Dead Nettles

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Some things to do while you stay at home if you have it. God has put it there for a reason use it don't lose it. Purple dead nettle can be found in your back yard just be sure it is pesticide-free. 

 dead nettles

Forage for food: Purple dead nettle can be found in your back yard just be sure it is pesticide-free. Taking Purple Dead-nettle when you suffer from allergies will help prevent secondary infections of the sinus, throat and lower respiratory tract. There are no known contraindications.

Purple Dead-nettle’s has anti-inflammatory, astringent, diuretic, diaphoretic, antimicrobial, antifungal and purgative benefits. This can be a laxative if used or taken in high amounts. Collect entire above-ground, aerial parts for food and medicine. You can add it to your salad, smoothies, infusion, make a pesto from it, tincture, etc....

Some DIY information:

Tincture: 1-2 ml 3x/day (1:5 in 40%)

Infusion: 1 cup boiling water over 1 heaping teaspoon dried herb and infuse covered for 10 minutes. Sieve and drink as often as desired.

To use as a daily tonic for chronic conditions put 1 oz. dried herb in a quart jar, or 1/3 jar filled with chopped fresh herb, fill with boiling water and cover. Let stand for 3-4 hours and drink one quart per day just prior to and at the start of allergy season.

This is called dead nettle because it is dead and will not sting as stinging nettle does.

Read 591 times
Last modified on 08 October 2021

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